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Muslims Base Clothing

Muslims Base Clothing Style
 Muslim clothing conventions significantly affect thge activities which boys and girls can enjoy. The children here come from a Muslim village in Indonesia. Notice the conteast between boys and girls. These girls have to full cover their heads. They wear Tudongs and can not swim like the boys who can go swiming without any clothing.

A variety of garments are worn in the Muslim world. Western dress is widely worn in most countrues, but there are also traditional garments that have either a national or religious base. This varies sharply for men and women. While in some cases religiously based, these garments are not specified in the Koran--the central basis for Islamuc law. Some of these garments involve extreme full body coverings. Other farments are less extreme , but in all cases cover the head. There are several different female gatments, the popularity varying from country to country. Some of these garments have caused some countries in the West and some countries have banned garments covering the face. In other countries establishments like banks have banned the garments as well as offices like deparments of motor vehicles when taking identity photographs. Islamic activists say the garments are the right of the individuals to express their identity. Others say that the garmrnts are pasrt of the generalized Islamic supression of women.

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